Life Together

Bonhoeffer: What is the “Church” (2/3)

The church looks like a strange thing to a secular world. For Bonhoeffer, the church is a collection of people who sincerely love Jesus and are devoted to his teachings. But as nice as that vision sounds, isn’t it a little naive? A distinction has to be made between the church as an organization and as an organism. The church within the church, which Bonhoeffer rallied against the Nazis, turns out to be a meek yet resilient people with a beautiful vision for community and life.

Bonhoeffer: the Spy-Theologian (1/3)

Deitrich Bonhoeffer (1906—1945) was a pastor, theologian, spy and conspirator against Hitler’s Third Reich. Bonhoeffer guarded, proclaimed and lived out the Gospel when the fate of Western Civilization hung in the balance. He was executed by the Nazis just weeks before their official surrender in WW2. Bonhoeffer understood that following Christ meant opposing evil, preaching truth, and living fearlessly––and his integrity and insight impact us today.