Depression, Suicide and the Secret to Happiness

Depression, Suicide and the Secret to Happiness


Suicide is the 10th leading cause of death in the US, and the trends are on the rise. There seems to be a question about whether or not life is worth living that very few are talking about. On October 2nd, 2018, The Thinking Atheist published an episode titled “A Secular Perspective on Suicide,” which, in our estimation, offered little hope. But does Christianity offer a higher calling for suicidal people, or is it actually a contributing cause of their anguish? Is life worth the effort it takes to endure the pain? Is there any hope for people struggling with severe depression or suicidal ideation, or are cliches and slogans the best we can offer? Perhaps happiness is better obtained as an accidental byproduct rather than the chief end of a well lived life.