Statement of Faith

Statement of Faith

Well Read Christian stands for the classical, Protestant tradition of Christianity in form, doctrine and expression. We believe this basic creed summarizes and reflects the original teachings of Jesus most accurately, as expressed in the canonical New Testament.


There is one true God, who is the only eternal, non-physical being, the foundation of the universe, and the creator of all things. God is perfect in all His attributes, including omniscience, omnipresence, omnipotence and omnibenevolence. God has eternally existed in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.


Mankind was directly and supernaturally created by God in His image. Though created in moral perfection, Adam, the first man, transgressed the moral law and mankind has been henceforth separated from God because of moral iniquity passed on from this original sin. Human beings are corrupted by sinful desire and willfully reject God, and are therefore bound to endure their just punishment unless grace intervenes.

Man retains the image of God through the stain of sin and is therefore endowed with the rights and responsibilities which are associated with this peculiar dignity. The moral and rational conscience, which gives logic, creativity, emotion and volition, is the essence of God’s image on the individual. This image includes individual responsibilities, such as reflecting God’s moral character and engaging in human relationship, as well as corporate responsibilities, such as procreation and governing and caring for the Earth. Carrying out these responsibilities are impossible without the grace and support of God through the power of the Holy Spirit.


God has declared that He will punish those who desire and perform evil upon their deaths. This encompasses the whole human race. God, however, has established a means of pardon from this punishment. Jesus Christ lived a life of perfect moral righteousness and died in our place, taking on the punishment of sin, so that those who repent for their sins and place faith in Jesus Christ’s death and resurrection, may be declared righteous before the Father. This is the plan and glory of God, that he may show the depth of his love, grace, mercy and justice.

Salvation is a complete expression of God’s grace (not human merit or works), bestowed to otherwise uninterested and vengeful sinners who hate God and his moral law. This grace results in faith, which in turn leads to justification and a change in heart which does not spurn God’s law, and takes delight in doing good and living upright lives which please God.

Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ of Nazareth, born of the virgin Mary, is the eternal second person of the Godhead, joined with a human body and (perfect) human nature. He is the Jewish Messiah prophesied in ancient Judaism. Jesus came to live a perfect moral life and pay the penalty for sin, in order that all who believe can be declared righteous on the last day on account of Jesus’ righteousness and substitutionary atonement.

Jesus was crucified and killed under Pontius Pilate, buried in a tomb, and literally, physically rose from the dead on the 3rd day. This authenticates Jesus’ identity and authority from God to speak on moral and spiritual matters. Jesus then ascended into heaven (after meeting with many witnesses) in order to sit at the right hand of God.

One day, Jesus will literally, physically, visibly and powerfully return to Earth to claim rule and restore the Earth to an edenic paradise.


When the human body dies, the immaterial human consciousness will either enter the presence of God in heaven, or be banished from God in hell. All human beings shall be resurrected (rejoined with their body) on the final day to face judgement from God. From this point onward, those in hell will be subject to eternal conscious torment, and those in heaven will enjoy an eternal lifetime of joy and happiness with God and without sin, pain or death.


The Bible (the 66 book canon) is God’s inerrant, infallible, divine revelation which he gave to us through the inspiration of human authors. This objective and propositional revelation is perfect in its original manuscripts. The best way to understand it is through a literal, grammatical and historical hermeneutic, taking note of the historical context, the intention of the author and the message he intended to convey to the original audience. In other words, books of the Bible are meant to be understood exactly the same way any other document of the same genre would be understood.

Scripture is sufficient, and constitutes the only source for divine standards of doctrine, faith and practice.


Well Read Christian is non-denominational, recognizing a variety of legitimate brothers and sisters in Christ spread throughout the historical mainline Protestant denominations and further. Any gathering of believers who accept the Gospel of Jesus Christ (God, creation, sin, atonement, faith/grace, resurrection, etc.) without denying a core tenant of Christianity (deity of Christ, penal substitutionary atonement, salvation by grace through faith, etc.), with leadership, accountability, the reading of Scripture, corporate prayer and preaching ought to be considered a genuine church.

Sexuality, Gender and Marriage

God created mankind male and female, a complementary expression of the corporate image of God which is designed for our happiness and the display of God’s good nature. A rejection of biological sex is therefore a rejection of one aspect of the image of God. Marriage, as Biblically defined, is between one male and one female for one lifetime, for the promotion of family, children and filling of the Earth to tame and take care of it. Any sexual immorality (defined as including adultery, fornication, homosexual behavior, bisexual conduct, bestiality, incest, and use of pornography) is considered immoral.

To harass, abuse or make fun of adulterers, homosexuals or those who are gender dysphoric is wrong. All people deserve to be treated with dignity, respect, love and kindness. This is a true and Biblical teaching which must be affirmed just as any other, and Well Read Christian does so gladly, with reverence and sincerity.

This is the official opinion of Well Read Christian, it’s officers and board members. It does not necessarily represent the views of collaborators, guest contributors, or any other affiliated 3rd party.